The Blog is Back, in Black
The problem with my hundred million resolutions to blog more is that my life is not really consistently that interesting. I have spurts of interesting stuff happen, and then days upon days where I'm mostly watching "Teen Mom 2" on the internet.
Don't knock it; it's pretty gripping television.
In any event, March is going to be one of those Interesting Times in the life of Kate. And as I walked down the block to get lunch (this being the first time I had left the house all day), I thought to myself, if companies can run those little pop-up stores whenever they have a new product line to bring out, why can't I have a pop-up blog, for when Interesting Times hit? And then, after that, I can return to the reality of my never keeping up a blog?
I will spend the first week of spring break on a "pilgrimage" to Canterbury, England. During this time, I am sure to have lots of Important Thoughts and Deep Feelings about my place as a soon-to-be-ordained person in the Anglican Communion.
I will spend the second week of spring break, hopefully, doing some more discernment about where, exactly, I am going to be living out that vocation. During this time, I am sure to have lots of Important Thoughts and Deep Feelings about my place as a soon-to-be-ordained person in the Anglican Communion.
After that, I will probably lose the blogging juice for several years.
You may ask, given that subject matter, what the deal with the title of the blog is. Well, it's a holdover from when I was a college admissions officer, and I hoped to record all my days for the purposes of an Arrested Development-style mockumentery TV series on the profession. And also I wanted to complain about how dumb high school students are. Although I've moved on in my life, I still think that most people applying to top tier colleges should be taking at least AB Calculus in their senior year of college. (I still maintain that that show would make at least as interesting a show a the trials and travails of suburban teen moms. Admit it, you would DVR that shit.)
Also, I'm about to ... select... a new job, new city, and new profession. Get it?
Also, I am lazy.
Don't knock it; it's pretty gripping television.
In any event, March is going to be one of those Interesting Times in the life of Kate. And as I walked down the block to get lunch (this being the first time I had left the house all day), I thought to myself, if companies can run those little pop-up stores whenever they have a new product line to bring out, why can't I have a pop-up blog, for when Interesting Times hit? And then, after that, I can return to the reality of my never keeping up a blog?
Moral of the story: I'm brilliant.
I will spend the first week of spring break on a "pilgrimage" to Canterbury, England. During this time, I am sure to have lots of Important Thoughts and Deep Feelings about my place as a soon-to-be-ordained person in the Anglican Communion.
I will spend the second week of spring break, hopefully, doing some more discernment about where, exactly, I am going to be living out that vocation. During this time, I am sure to have lots of Important Thoughts and Deep Feelings about my place as a soon-to-be-ordained person in the Anglican Communion.
After that, I will probably lose the blogging juice for several years.
You may ask, given that subject matter, what the deal with the title of the blog is. Well, it's a holdover from when I was a college admissions officer, and I hoped to record all my days for the purposes of an Arrested Development-style mockumentery TV series on the profession. And also I wanted to complain about how dumb high school students are. Although I've moved on in my life, I still think that most people applying to top tier colleges should be taking at least AB Calculus in their senior year of college. (I still maintain that that show would make at least as interesting a show a the trials and travails of suburban teen moms. Admit it, you would DVR that shit.)
Also, I'm about to ... select... a new job, new city, and new profession. Get it?
Also, I am lazy.
To new-ish beginning-agains!
so the only thing i know about canturbury and pilgrimages there is that i'm pretty sure you're required to tell us long stories along the way to amuse us as you proceed. preferably (but not necessarily) in an early form of iambic pentameter. can't wait!
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